In the After Demitria Lunetta Books

In the After Demitria Lunetta Books
‘In the After’ starts in a world filled with intrigue, suspense and silence. There’s that sense of desperate urgency, of deep sadness and of trying to live in a world that’s so different then what the characters in the novel have ever known. ‘In the After’ was relentless with its action and adventure. And, even though I went into this book have no expectations at all, it was a book that I ended up not being able to put down.The world was what interested me most about this book. There was this feeling inside me that just wanted to scream in horror and, at the same time, I felt so much empathy for the characters. One wrong sound would attract the very element that the characters never wanted anywhere near them because it meant a quick, painful and horrifying death. This world was built on a lack of trust and survival of the fittest. If I had been a character in this book, I would have been eaten.
Amy was definitely a character with strong survival instincts. She was emotionally strong, brave and loyal. She was also lonely and desperate for human contact and even Baby, her constant companion, wasn’t enough for her. It was searching for that human contact that had her finding herself in some precarious situations. Her attributes was what made her such a likable character to me.
There was a slight romantic element between Amy and one of the other characters. I wouldn’t say it was anything remotely like instant love, because the characters were too busy just trying to stay alive. It was so refreshing not to have characters falling all over themselves at the first meeting.
The interesting thing about this book was the way the back story written. I loved having the chapters in a ‘before’ and ‘after’ perspective. It let me know about previous events and how the new world evolved into how it was now. What was even more brilliant was the way it showed how Amy had a relatively normal life until ‘They’ came.
But even more than that, it was like there were two separate stories being told. One was the ‘before’ and ‘after’ and the other, that came later, was ‘after’ and ‘before in the after’. I know how weird that sounds, but I don’t know of any other way to describe it that wouldn’t give part of the story line away.
‘In the After’ made me think. It made me wonder about the secrets that came to light as the story developed. As you can tell, I really enjoyed this book and possibly more than I thought I was going to, because I, well, was expecting it to be a normal sci-fi book that dealt with aliens, but it was so much more than that.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sci-fi and flesh-eating monsters.

Tags : In the After (9780062105455): Demitria Lunetta: Books,Demitria Lunetta,In the After,HarperTeen,0062105450,Action & Adventure - General,Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic,Girls & Women,Monsters,Monsters;Fiction.,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Survival,Survival;Fiction.,Action & Adventure - Survival Stories,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Dystopian,Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,TEEN'S FICTION THRILLER,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - General
In the After Demitria Lunetta Books Reviews
This book has been sitting around for a while now. I am so glad that I got a chance to read it. Aliens galore in this one. The plant looking kind. This book was full of great twists and well one at the end that will leave you screaming OMG WTF!!!!
I can't wait to read book two!
The story is fast paced, you have aliens that act like zombies, and was awesome!!
I really loved how this book was split up into three parts. As I read this while everyone in the house was sick. I could just read it in parts and go deal with runny nosies etc. So it made it go much faster.
Survival skills are abound in this one and I have to say that Amy is the bomb!!!
I really hope to learn more about how the aliens (no spoilers) came to be etc. And I so want to learn more about Baby.
Although there is not much romance in this one. I hope that we get more in book two.
For me the ending of this one I kinda guessed it but then was also thinking no thats not it. Its something else. But I did end up guessing right. So I don't know it was way out there but not. So ya I know I'm confusing you but just go read this one you won't be disappointed.
Go Into This One Knowing
Twisted ending! Amazing Debut!
This was a book club recommendation and I can honestly say it was one of the best recommendations yet. Demitria Lunetta knows how to tell a story that will grip you from the very first time you open the book to the very last page. I even closed the book and closed my eyes a few times because I was afraid of what would happen next and that's a good thing! That means it caught my attention in a big way. What a ride!
The world has been overtaken by green aliens or has it? Something has invaded earth and devoured a large majority of the human race. Amy was lucky. She got away, but her saving grace came by way of an electric fence. The aliens dominating earth have super sonic hearing and any noise at all causes the creatures to devour the source, literally. The aliens follow every noise, have super fast speed, and are extremely hard to kill. That's a lethal mix but somehow Amy has figured out a way to survive.
One night when scavenging she comes upon a small child she names Baby. Not unique but makes sense. Neither of them speak. They can't or they know they can die. Amy returns to her home with the child and together they live in their safe haven until Amy's house is discovered. Her house is wanted by others who have survived and want to get away from the aliens. The electric fence her parents had installed kept the creatures out. It confuses them and the shock drives them away because despite their speed and humongous appetite, the creatures have very little by way of brains.
Amy and Baby soon find themselves running for their lives only to be picked up by a ship and placed into New Hope, but the name can be deceiving ...
Oh wait and did I mention, there's a boy named Rice. I like him. I think Amy does too.
‘In the After’ starts in a world filled with intrigue, suspense and silence. There’s that sense of desperate urgency, of deep sadness and of trying to live in a world that’s so different then what the characters in the novel have ever known. ‘In the After’ was relentless with its action and adventure. And, even though I went into this book have no expectations at all, it was a book that I ended up not being able to put down.
The world was what interested me most about this book. There was this feeling inside me that just wanted to scream in horror and, at the same time, I felt so much empathy for the characters. One wrong sound would attract the very element that the characters never wanted anywhere near them because it meant a quick, painful and horrifying death. This world was built on a lack of trust and survival of the fittest. If I had been a character in this book, I would have been eaten.
Amy was definitely a character with strong survival instincts. She was emotionally strong, brave and loyal. She was also lonely and desperate for human contact and even Baby, her constant companion, wasn’t enough for her. It was searching for that human contact that had her finding herself in some precarious situations. Her attributes was what made her such a likable character to me.
There was a slight romantic element between Amy and one of the other characters. I wouldn’t say it was anything remotely like instant love, because the characters were too busy just trying to stay alive. It was so refreshing not to have characters falling all over themselves at the first meeting.
The interesting thing about this book was the way the back story written. I loved having the chapters in a ‘before’ and ‘after’ perspective. It let me know about previous events and how the new world evolved into how it was now. What was even more brilliant was the way it showed how Amy had a relatively normal life until ‘They’ came.
But even more than that, it was like there were two separate stories being told. One was the ‘before’ and ‘after’ and the other, that came later, was ‘after’ and ‘before in the after’. I know how weird that sounds, but I don’t know of any other way to describe it that wouldn’t give part of the story line away.
‘In the After’ made me think. It made me wonder about the secrets that came to light as the story developed. As you can tell, I really enjoyed this book and possibly more than I thought I was going to, because I, well, was expecting it to be a normal sci-fi book that dealt with aliens, but it was so much more than that.
I would recommend this book to anyone who likes sci-fi and flesh-eating monsters.

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