Titanic Voices 63 Survivors Tell Their Extraordinary Stories Hannah Holman eBook

There were over 700 survivors of the Titanic disaster and their horrific experience has captivated readers and moviegoers for over 100 years. But what was it actually like for a woman to say goodbye to her husband? For a mother to leave her teenage sons? For the unlucky many who found themselves in the freezing Atlantic waters? Titanic Voices is the most comprehensive collection of Titanic survivors' accounts ever published and includes many unpublished and long-forgotten accounts, unabridged, together with an authoritative editorial commentary. It is also the first book to include substantial accounts from female survivors and those travelling third class.
Titanic Voices 63 Survivors Tell Their Extraordinary Stories Hannah Holman eBook
The story of the Titanic has always fascinated me. This is definitely a fresh way to experience it: First-hand testimony and stories from a wide cross-section of the people who lived through it. Their accounts are grouped by lifeboat (roughly in order of their departure), and each one has a bit of background on the person who wrote it. Their perspectives are varied enough to keep it interesting, and I learned quite a few things I didn't know before. A few of the accounts are long enough to be mini-books in themselves.Product details

Tags : Titanic Voices: 63 Survivors Tell Their Extraordinary Stories - Kindle edition by Hannah Holman. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Titanic Voices: 63 Survivors Tell Their Extraordinary Stories.,ebook,Hannah Holman,Titanic Voices: 63 Survivors Tell Their Extraordinary Stories,Amberley Publishing,HISTORY General,TRANSPORTATION Ships & Shipbuilding History
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Titanic Voices 63 Survivors Tell Their Extraordinary Stories Hannah Holman eBook Reviews
This book is a must read for anyone interested in the Titanic tragedy. Here one will find actual accounts of of the short life of the Titanic as told by those who actually lived it. It is fascinating to discover how different people living through the same event can have such diverse and disparate perceptions. This is a long book but every page has something important to say about the night of April 14/15 1912. I highly recommend this book.
This is the first time I have read actual accounts from those who survived the Titanic's sinking. It made me feel like I was there as I read their stories. Actually got to see the kind of information that the Inquiry Committee was trying to get from those who survived the disaster. Recommend this book to all Titanic fanatics.
Love this book!!! It has stories that I have never read and they are great. So much emotional expressions in it. I didn't want to put the book down until I finished it. If you have never read any books about Titanic this one is for you!
Awesome read. First hand accounts of the disaster - so much more interesting than a third person narrative of most other sources. I have read many Titanic books but none has impressed me as much as this one. Read it!
I cannot read enough about the Titanic. This gave specific examples of first hand accounts from first, second, and third class passengers as well as Titanic staff that survived. I was able to envision what it must have been like through the vivid descriptions given. It is also interesting how different and then how similar the stories are. Tragic and stories with reading!
What a wonderfully written story about such a tragic event in history. Even reading word for word these survivors' experiences, one cannot begin to imagine the terror and fear these people endured during those many hours of getting to safety on the Carpathia. There were an unlimited number of heroes in this book, and they will live in history forever. A 5 star book indeed!
This is a compilation of statements taken from Titanic survivors during the U.S. and British inquiries immediately after the disaster. The editor used an interesting approach- the statements are given in order of departure from the ship. This creates a moving narrative that well conveys the increasing desperation of the scene. Stories from crew members, first, second and third class passengers are included with helpful narrative explanations. An excellent work. If you have read or watched the 1950's movie version of Walter Lord's A Night to Remember you will see how these real time memoirs created more drama than any story teller could have created from his imagination.
The story of the Titanic has always fascinated me. This is definitely a fresh way to experience it First-hand testimony and stories from a wide cross-section of the people who lived through it. Their accounts are grouped by lifeboat (roughly in order of their departure), and each one has a bit of background on the person who wrote it. Their perspectives are varied enough to keep it interesting, and I learned quite a few things I didn't know before. A few of the accounts are long enough to be mini-books in themselves.

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