Emergency Contact Mary H K Choi Books

Emergency Contact Mary H K Choi Books
6 out of 5 stars.This is the kind of book I can only review by fangirl screaming in all caps. It's just embarrassing.
I would have loved it just for the characters-I'm a sucker for deep vulnerability, or writer characters, or guys named Sam, or tattoos, or guys who bake, or friends to lovers, so really this book was a buffet platter of favorites for me. I would have loved it just for the voice: super witty and down to earth and contemporary feeling. The scent descriptions were hilarious (a gas station rose that smells like printer cartridges) and the descriptions in general were so creative, unique and THATYESTHAT that I was highlighting like crazy and I read like 20 of them out loud to my husband (like "a guy with a face like a weak handshake"). Even if it weren't for those things, I would have loved this book for the very meta story within a story that the MC was writing-a story that underlines and flips and then flips again the themes of the book so you don't know if Penny is trapped in her digital world and waiting to be brought out, or if she's choosing to ignore her real world, or if her digital world really is better, or if the relationship is about her and her boyfriend or her and her mom...it's brilliant at every step, and the mom/Penny argument at the end was crazy amazing. It sounded so much like people I've known, and I could really see both people's perspectives.
Sam was an utter delight, and at times I just hurt because I liked him and Penny so much. I want to buy another 10 books by this author immediately and I'm so sad there aren't yet ten more books to buy. I read this one in half a day and now I'm stuck wishing there was more.

Tags : Amazon.com: Emergency Contact (9781534408968): Mary H. K. Choi: Books,Mary H. K. Choi,Emergency Contact,Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers,1534408967,Romance - Contemporary,Social Themes - Dating & Sex,Social Themes - Friendship,Austin (Tex.),College stories,Colleges and universities;Fiction.,Dating (Social customs),Dating (Social customs);Fiction.,Text messages (Cell phone systems),Text messages (Cell phone systems);Fiction.,Universities and colleges,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction-Romance,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,Texas,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Dating & Sex,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult FictionRomance - Contemporary,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Friendship,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - New Experience,Debut; teen fiction; college; freshman year; first love; romance; first boyfriend; older boyfriend; cell phones; texting; awkward romance; anxiety; boys; boyfriends; creative writing; wrinting; movies; film; filmmaking; filmmakers; Texas; Austin; South by Southwest; Nylon Mag; punk; goth; Asian American; Korean; Korean American; biracial; tatoos; bad boys; coffee shops; humor; comedy; meet cute; Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell; books by Asian women; books by women of color; books about Asian girls; diversity; mother daughter relationships; characters that have anxiety attacks; stories with characters that have anxiety attacks; DJ Khaled; DJ Khaled ghostwriter; Entertainment Weekly Best Book of 2018
Emergency Contact Mary H K Choi Books Reviews
The texting banter and character complexity are sooooooo good. There are so many swoony moments and hilarious lines of dialogue and narrative. I loved it.
Content warning there is a discussion about a rape.
Funny witty and poignant, Mary H.K. Choi writes characters that curl up in your consciousness and stay forever. Hard to put down, and even harder to finish because you won't want to say goodbye....
Alright. OK. So I'm definitely in the minority here. Wow...read some brutal reviews out there on this book, which truly surprised me. I did not feel this much negativity or dislike when reading this book at all. In fact, I felt it was one of the most honest representations of teenagers, girls, daughters, students, white girls, and non-white girls.
I really enjoyed reading this book, and have it categorized as one of my favorites this year. I'm sorry other readers felt so differently towards it. Is Penny annoying, well of course she is. She's meant to be, but throughout the book you start to discover more about why she is the way she is. I completely understand her inability to show emotion, even though she's one big ball of emotion on the inside, because I'm like that. Being originally Korean, I loved the references to the subtle racist remarks she gets on a regular basis, because again, as an Arab, and a Muslim, I get that ALL the time. And people think it's OK, because it's subtle, or because it's said as a joke, but you know what? No, it's not OK, and I love that Penny stands up for that. Was Penny slut-shaming her mom? I don't believe she was, I believe she was simply saying it as it is. Her mom is a mess. Her mom is a MILF. She's hot, she dresses so much younger than her age, is a huge flirt, and is dating guys left and right. And yes, if that was my mom, I'd be embarrassed as hell to be seen around her. That's just the truth. To get hospitalized for drug use, I would probably walk away from that in anger and disappointment as well.
But you know what? It's not all bad. Because throughout the book, the character development was on point. All the characters, including secondary characters, were well-rounded. You see them develop as the story unfolds, you see Penny maturing, opening up, making friends, trusting more, and even forgiving her mom, asking for forgiveness and letting her in. There is redemption and change there, and it's not all one-sided either.
But let's focus on Penny and Sam for a minute, because that was center stage and it was absolutely beautiful to read their story and how it unfolds. I loved that it was another story that relied hugely on digital communication, and it was done so well. Their conversations were amazing, their friendship, their support of each other was beautiful to read about. I loved the transition from texts to phone calls, to face to face - to at one point, an email. Oh my Lord, that email was everything.
They both have a lot of issues. Serious issues. They were able to really open up to each other, and maybe a huge part of that is the digital wall that separated them. It was easy to open up to this person as long as it they never had to face each other, right?
Except things don't always work out that way, and things do get complicated, and their lives are quite miserable - especially Sam's - but it's all part of the journey, and I never felt repelled by it. I thought Penny was very endearing, especially when she started opening up, and I loved how so much honestly was crammed into this book, giving you a face palm of reality.
Penny Lee heads off to college and leaves behind a lot of things that she just could not relate to or even like. Her mother is a MILF and that drives her crazy. She has a boyfriend that is the polar opposite of her, that would probably thrill any other girl in their high school, but not Penny. Penny is different. When she meets her roommate’s “uncle” Sam at the coffee shop, there is something that draws her to him. Maybe it’s his curly hair or all his tattoos. She happens to be on the scene when he suffers from a panic attack (he is sure it is a heart attack) and helps him through it. She becomes his emergency contact. That starts a string of text messages that evolve throughout the story.
Sam is dealing with his on/off girlfriend. They go through a few things which you will have to read to find out about but he finds himself wanting to talk to Penny more than anyone. The texts become phone calls and then evolve into much more. Will they realize what it is they both really want?
I have read a few books that were told in texts or emails but what I really loved about this one is that it wasn’t only that. The texts were like the icing on the cake because we learned so much about them throughout the whole book, not just in their messages. They were the cutest couple and if you do not root for them to get together, I wonder if you even have a soul. I admit I almost cheered when Penny’s facade started to crack a little. I admit I cried when she would open up to other people, her fear was so palpable. This is just such a lovely book and I am so glad that I saw someone on one of my online book groups rave about it.
6 out of 5 stars.
This is the kind of book I can only review by fangirl screaming in all caps. It's just embarrassing.
I would have loved it just for the characters-I'm a sucker for deep vulnerability, or writer characters, or guys named Sam, or tattoos, or guys who bake, or friends to lovers, so really this book was a buffet platter of favorites for me. I would have loved it just for the voice super witty and down to earth and contemporary feeling. The scent descriptions were hilarious (a gas station rose that smells like printer cartridges) and the descriptions in general were so creative, unique and THATYESTHAT that I was highlighting like crazy and I read like 20 of them out loud to my husband (like "a guy with a face like a weak handshake"). Even if it weren't for those things, I would have loved this book for the very meta story within a story that the MC was writing-a story that underlines and flips and then flips again the themes of the book so you don't know if Penny is trapped in her digital world and waiting to be brought out, or if she's choosing to ignore her real world, or if her digital world really is better, or if the relationship is about her and her boyfriend or her and her mom...it's brilliant at every step, and the mom/Penny argument at the end was crazy amazing. It sounded so much like people I've known, and I could really see both people's perspectives.
Sam was an utter delight, and at times I just hurt because I liked him and Penny so much. I want to buy another 10 books by this author immediately and I'm so sad there aren't yet ten more books to buy. I read this one in half a day and now I'm stuck wishing there was more.

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