Poison Study Study Book 1 Maria V Snyder Books

Poison Study Study Book 1 Maria V Snyder Books
I'd give this 3 1/2 stars but I don't think that's possible for amazon right now. I'll try to be as vague with this review as I can so that people can read it before reading the book and still understand what's happening.Overall, I'd say it's a solid book and an enjoyable read. There were things I really liked about it and things that really bothered me as I read it. I doubt anyone would pick up this book and be mad they read it, unless darker and heavier subject matter doesn't sit well with you, in which case I would not recommend. Snyder does not shy away from some really intense subject matter that includes such triggers as torture, murder, rape, and mind control. Generally speaking, I think she deals with these issues as well as could be expected in a short, relatively fast-paced book.
The good:
The story itself is really interesting, with a unique plot, an interesting world, and characters that are not necessarily very complex but are also certainly interesting and generally not cliche. The scope of the story does not leave room for all characters to be explored and developed, but where developing happens it was done well.
The biggest plus for this story is the way it deals with a transgender character, who is never identified as such given the setting of the story, but who, nonetheless, was born female and lives as a male. The author (and characters who discover the truth about the transgender character) handle this very well, always using the correct pronouns (he/him) even after the discovery and even, impressively, choose not to make a big deal out of it, but rather accept wholeheartedly that some people are just born in the wrong bodies. It was an interesting and wonderfully handled plot point that I applaud Snyder for.
The not so good:
The romance in this book was, at least at first, expertly handled as far as YA novels go. The build up of the attraction between the couple was slow and subtle, but obvious enough that the readers were aware that a relationship might be possible. However, once the book started towards its climax, this story line shifted into the far-too cliche, uninteresting world that most YA novels get stuck in where the main character needs to be told by other characters that her love interest has an obvious "thing" for her and then, at the least oppurtune moment when it barely makes sense for the plot and actually takes away from the action, the relationship begins and shifts from, "I have feelings for you" to sex to declarations of love in exctly two pages, which felt rushed and forced and was extremely disapppointing given how well the initial build up was orchestrated.
The dialogue also left far too much to be desired in this novel, with all characters speaking in generally the same manner, using the same vocabulary, and saying the same sorts of things, no matter their walk of life or purpose. Too much of the plot was delivered through dialogue, as almost every explanation about anything important came from a conversation and usually in a way that didn't make sense. Characters in this story were WAY too willing to answer the "why" with a super long and involved and way too real explanation that, more often than not, just felt forced and wrong. Why would a stranger tell someone they just met absolutely everything important that they know? It didn't work for me, and the preveleance of this kind of dialogue made it really hard to distinguish personalities among the more minor characters who don't get a lot of development. Anything unique about them was attached to them by the narrator, who had to add on personality descriptors to every chracter since the author failed to give them distincit personalities by their speech or actions.
Again, overall, an enjoyable read, but one that was certainly flawed and does not stand out to me as a particularly well-written piece. I will probably read the sequels, but I'm not dying to, which is always a sign to me than an author hasn't quite delivered.

Tags : Amazon.com: Poison Study (Study, Book 1) (9780778324331): Maria V. Snyder: Books,Maria V. Snyder,Poison Study (Study, Book 1),MIRA,0778324338,Romance - Fantasy,10003581,115026X,20070301,707220,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Canada,FICTION Fantasy General,FICTION General,FICTION Romance Fantasy,Fantasy,Fantasy - General,Fantasy;Medieval,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction-Fantasy,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, 1st,RomanceGothic,Romance: Gothic
Poison Study Study Book 1 Maria V Snyder Books Reviews
This book has an excellent start. The first 80% of the book features layers and layers of mystery. It begins with - as the product summary discloses - the questions of why the MC killed her former overseer's son and whether she understands that she is using magic. These mysteries are soon expanded on (mild spoilers) Why was her former overseer trying to create magicians? Will she be able to master her magic power before someone kills her for it? Will she tell the her new boss/mentor/love interest (who is also the ruler's spymaster) the truth about what her former overseer is doing? These mysteries, in turn, gain more layers What is the role of the foreign magicians? Is the spymaster a villain or a hero? Why is her former overseer sending exotic candy to the ruler?
Each of these questions draws the reader in and keeps the reader engaged. Each answer is incomplete and deepens the mystery. It's a great read.
Then, suddenly, in the last few chapters the book, the author answers everything - neatly, conveniently, and unexcitingly. Major spoilers the MC confesses everything to her mentor. He believes and accepts everything without qualm. The foreign magicians go from possible assassins to friends and helpers. The purpose of the candy is disclosed. The former overseer is brought to justice. Some friends are injured but they all heal. The ruler rewards the MC for her loyalty. The MC and her mentor declare their love for each other. The end. It's like a YA book. (Or like the author realized that she couldn't complete this book in the required length without hurrying things along.)
It's quite disappointing and ruined any interest I had in the sequel.
The Good
Jessica over at A Great Read has been telling me to read this since I started blogging years ago.
I should've listened sooner. So good. OK let's walk through all the points that make this story great. The plot line is about a girl, Yelena, who kills her abuser. Yeah girl! I'm immediately rallying behind her. She is put on death row and about to pay for her crime when the assassin, Valek, offers her the chance to become the food taster of the Commander. Ten points already for being an assassin. And steamy. Then we have the setting of Ixia which is divided by eight districts and govered by generals under the Commander's rule. Magic is not allowed in this world, and only in Sitia can magic run free.
The journey through the story was so entertaining. Yelena trains with Valek to learn poisons and hopefully not die. Meanwhile, she works on self defense with two great side characters Janco and Ari. She runs into people that she shouldn't trust but does, and people she should trust but doesn't. There is mind control, hiding in trees, fire dancing, and an awesome library. Yelena doesn't start out very strong at all, as a character she is weak but smart. However, by the end I wouldn't mess with her.
The Bad
There may have been flaws, but I just didn't see them.
The Romance
Now here we have quite a slow burn romance, and let me say that Valek is a favorite character of mine so I enjoy this pairing quite a lot. However, when the romance happens, it's like YEAH NOW. I was left wondering where on earth that whole middle portion went. Not that I'm complaining too much because of the story there wasn't much romance in it to begin with.
There's a mo bad heroine, hunky assassin, magic, kingdoms, tree jumping, trust issues, and some truly terrible bad guys. I loved reading this story. There was quite a bit of action and the plot was thoroughly entertaining. I came to love the main characters as well as some amazing side characters. Recommended.
I'd give this 3 1/2 stars but I don't think that's possible for right now. I'll try to be as vague with this review as I can so that people can read it before reading the book and still understand what's happening.
Overall, I'd say it's a solid book and an enjoyable read. There were things I really liked about it and things that really bothered me as I read it. I doubt anyone would pick up this book and be mad they read it, unless darker and heavier subject matter doesn't sit well with you, in which case I would not recommend. Snyder does not shy away from some really intense subject matter that includes such triggers as torture, murder, rape, and mind control. Generally speaking, I think she deals with these issues as well as could be expected in a short, relatively fast-paced book.
The good
The story itself is really interesting, with a unique plot, an interesting world, and characters that are not necessarily very complex but are also certainly interesting and generally not cliche. The scope of the story does not leave room for all characters to be explored and developed, but where developing happens it was done well.
The biggest plus for this story is the way it deals with a transgender character, who is never identified as such given the setting of the story, but who, nonetheless, was born female and lives as a male. The author (and characters who discover the truth about the transgender character) handle this very well, always using the correct pronouns (he/him) even after the discovery and even, impressively, choose not to make a big deal out of it, but rather accept wholeheartedly that some people are just born in the wrong bodies. It was an interesting and wonderfully handled plot point that I applaud Snyder for.
The not so good
The romance in this book was, at least at first, expertly handled as far as YA novels go. The build up of the attraction between the couple was slow and subtle, but obvious enough that the readers were aware that a relationship might be possible. However, once the book started towards its climax, this story line shifted into the far-too cliche, uninteresting world that most YA novels get stuck in where the main character needs to be told by other characters that her love interest has an obvious "thing" for her and then, at the least oppurtune moment when it barely makes sense for the plot and actually takes away from the action, the relationship begins and shifts from, "I have feelings for you" to sex to declarations of love in exctly two pages, which felt rushed and forced and was extremely disapppointing given how well the initial build up was orchestrated.
The dialogue also left far too much to be desired in this novel, with all characters speaking in generally the same manner, using the same vocabulary, and saying the same sorts of things, no matter their walk of life or purpose. Too much of the plot was delivered through dialogue, as almost every explanation about anything important came from a conversation and usually in a way that didn't make sense. Characters in this story were WAY too willing to answer the "why" with a super long and involved and way too real explanation that, more often than not, just felt forced and wrong. Why would a stranger tell someone they just met absolutely everything important that they know? It didn't work for me, and the preveleance of this kind of dialogue made it really hard to distinguish personalities among the more minor characters who don't get a lot of development. Anything unique about them was attached to them by the narrator, who had to add on personality descriptors to every chracter since the author failed to give them distincit personalities by their speech or actions.
Again, overall, an enjoyable read, but one that was certainly flawed and does not stand out to me as a particularly well-written piece. I will probably read the sequels, but I'm not dying to, which is always a sign to me than an author hasn't quite delivered.

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